The Brain is the only organ that is not fully developed at birth, as a child begins to grow different stages of their development are attached to different parts and functions of the brain. The impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences is dependent on the stage of development at which the trauma occurs which will help …
Parenting with love begins with taking responsibility for your own healing
Our children are teachers in tiny bodies. These are master teachers who’ve come to show us and teach us the things that we need to heal in order to grow and to evolve. Through many generations, we have forgotten this and have put the responsibility of our pain onto our children and have taken for …
Adult Children of Divorce: the Distrust, Wounds & Healing we must Process in order to find Healthy Love.
As published by the Elephant Journal Magazine For the most part, divorces are messy, painful, and carry accumulated feelings of anger, resentment, and guilt. But what happens to the children after the divorce when these emotions are not healed? I know a lot of divorced parents who have parenting plans set for their children and …